I Love ME Better Than That!
 To God be the Glory!

About Pastor Renee Dotson
My name is Renee Dotson; I am married to a Awesome man My Mister Walter Dotson!!   I am the youngest child born to my parents the late Roosevelt & Corline Cross. Together we 6 grown children ( Yolanda, Terry, Trever, Travis and Tiffani and our bonus daughter Nikki), 16 grandchildren (Kevonya, Marcus, Meandria, Molly, Trinity, Kiya, Elijah, Ava, Travis Jr., Skyla, Trent, MaKayla, Nyla ,Terri, Daniel, Johnathan, and Adrian)!    In November 2004 I received my call to the Gospel Ministry and I preached my first "public" sermon May 15, 2005 at Hopewell MB Church under the leadership of Rev. Daryl E. Rice Sr.  I joined West End Deliverance Church in 2011 where Elder Jerel C. Davis Sr. is Bishop and Eldress Ella Davis is  Co-Pastor. I served as the Director of Christian Education, Youth Ministry Director, Pastoral Care President, CHurch Administrator and Mime Ministry Coordinator.  In 2017 I joined New Life Interdenominational Church under the leadership of Bishop Geoffrey Dudley Sr. God decided that I would Pastor.  Oh my what an honor!!!   My hubby and I are currently being Mentored for this elevation by Apostle Marcia Nicholson!!!   In October 2020 I was Ordained Pastor.  On December 6, 2020 we launched Abundant Love Christian Ministries!!! I was educated in East St. Louis sol system and graduated from Fontbonne University with a Master in Business Administration.  In 2015 I received a Bachelor in Biblical Studies from Midwest College of Theology.

I founded this Ministry 15+ years ago.  This Ministry comes out of the broken pieces of my life. You see, I know HURT, PAIN, REJECTION, SELF-HATRED, LOW OR NO SELF-ESTEEM. Yes me, oh do I have a story!!!! You see I am a product of an abusive marriage. You know abuse - Physical, VERBAL, Emotional, Psychological, Sexual and whatever other abuses you can name. Because of the repeated abuse in some form or another I begun a downhill spiral that caused me to suffer weight loss, anxiety, and a host of other illnesses that I could name. Due to the abuse I suffered and the anger and hurt I held in my heart I didn't know what forgiveness was.   I was so bitter and my heart wasn't right. Yes from all appearances I looked healthy but I wasn't.  I spent many years wearing the MASK, you know the mask, that you want everyone who is looking to believe you're good when in fact you are not!!!  When you carry that kind of weight there is no way you can be healthy in any relationship. Not even in your relationship with the Master. The marriage ended many, many years ago but the pain, the rejection just wouldn't go away.  The feeling of Rejection continued to stay with me.  The problem with abuse is that once you get out, most still have the residue that often leaves you unable to love you let alone anyone else. I looked in the mirror and the woman I saw was a woman I hated, a woman that really disgusted me. In the mirror I saw a BROKEN woman. How can I say that (you that never have known abuse)? Well I say it because it is true. How could I love me when the man who stood at the altar many years ago saying he would love me, cherish me didn't!  I found myself incapable of truly loving, incapable of knowing how to receive Love. Even years after the relationship was over I was still broken, battered and bruised (not on the outside but deep on the inside). I formed the non-penetrable wall around my heart (destructive yea that was me).  

Because I never healed from the past hurts I was broken.  So that led to further hurt because my self-worth was based on what people thought about me.  My happiness was based on if others liked me, if they "approved of me" (I think it's called Approval Addiction), if they were nice to me, if they accepted the gift of Ministry God had birthed on the inside of me. I existed in this broken state all why putting on a "Happy Face" - you know the face we who are hurting put on so NOBODY really knows the depths of the pain. But God! (Just so you know people will love you on Monday and hate you on Tuesday).  As you can see by just a small glimpse into my life I was totally messed up!!!!! I  thank God I am on my way!   Yes, still on the way because it's a Process to get FREE and Stay FREE!!!  Everyday, I have to remind myself that I am FREE!!!   This JOY that I have no one can take from me.  Thank you Jesus!!!!!!!!

As I have healed, I've found that when you're hurt by anyone and you refuse to forgive, that person continues to hurt you even if you are nowhere around them. The bibles teaches us to FORGIVE and that has been a huge part of my deliverance. To forgive and let it go - to be free from the pain that has haunted me for years. I had to refuse to be bitter because bitterness is DESTRUCTIVE. When I refused to forgive I was essentially closing a door to God working in my life. If you don't believe me that bitterness has no place in your heart read Ephesians 4:31. Please know that the Bible teaches that God can't and won't hear your prayers if you choose not to forgive.

So this Ministry is meant to help you and me.  I Love ME better than that! Perhaps your hurt is not from abuse; but whatever it is, whether it be a person, place or thing, help is on its way!  Nothing or no one can make keep me bound because I choose God!    I choose to SERVE him!  All the distractions of hurt, pain.......... must go so that I can be free to hear his voice as I have never heard it before.  HEALING is a PROCESS!   It's MY process!

I remarried an awesome man of God he was my Best Friend, My BoyFriend, My Boo, My Covering, My Husband Deacon Ray Evans who loved me and has loved me through my brokenness for close to 18 years of marriage and a total of 20 years together. I loved this MAN so completely; he was the LOVE of my Life!!!! So why in the world would I need this Ministry? Why do this? Well even though I've been with him as I said I still struggled because of the past abuse. I didn't know how to appreciate him, love him, talk to him because I was so messed up from my past. But God! Thank God for sending Ray and for making him the Man of God that he is!    My Awesome God also sent this Ministry by which I can get help and help others on their road to healing.  To my Church the "Deliverance Ministry"  which I can truly say little by little, step by step has helped me to heal. I mean really heal.  Healing is a PROCESS!  It doesn't happen overnight!  But it can and will happen if you Trust God!

Devastation hit June 15, 2012  and my life, our life changed - we found out that My Love, My Honey Ray had Lung Cancer.  On September 29, 2012 the Love of My Life Deacon Ray Evans passed away.  As I think on all the wonderful memories this awesome man of God left in my life; I am very sad that He's gone and I'll never see him, touch him, love him,  or be loved by him.   I miss him more than mere words can ever say.  Each year 1 or 2 deserving women receive the "Deacon Ray Evans" Memorial Scholarship so she may attend free of charge.  This is a small way to thank Deacon Ray and to forever remember how he loved me and encouraged to do this retreat.

I was allowed the privilege and pleasure to meet and marry Walter Dotson in 2015 and he has been my strongest and most committed supporter to this Ministry!!!  I am grateful to him for everything he has done and everything that he will help me accomplish!!

LOOK at God
October 2007 with 14 women including me. 2008-2015 I hosted 40 - 100 women on each retreat
2016 I hosted 112 women!!!  Glory to God!!  
2017 - I hosted 147 women
2018 - I hosted 155 women
2019 - I hosted 169 women
2020 - I hosted 173 women (virtually)  Yes even in a Pandemic

I have complete Expectation that God will do what HE always manages do this 3rd weekend in October!  I would like to thank all the women who have served down through the years as speakers.  I shall never forget you and you are apart of this Awesome Journey. 

God Absolutely showed up and showed out at ILMBTT Retreat 2019!!!!  It was one of the best ones in 13 years of doing this!!! This sister is very grateful to God for ALL he is doing!

2018 - the TEAM is growing my Leaps & Bounds.  I have 8 awesome ladies and they are Sherri Brooks, LaTina Chaney, Monique Creer, Alicia Fisher, Tiffani Fowler, Tieasha Greer, Doshaney Nicholson, Shari Stringer 

2019 - the TEAM  Michelle Brooks, Sherri Brooks, LaTina Chaney, Tiffani Fowler, Tieasha Greer, Doshaney Nicholson and Shari Stringer

2020 - the Team~~~~Angela Blackburn, Michelle Brooks, Sherri Brooks, Tiffani Fowler, Tieasha Greer, Doshaney Nicholson, LaKiesha Pate, Shari Stringer and Toni White.  A couple men who lend Outstanding Support - My Mister Walter Dotson & Deandre Brooks!!!!

2020 we launched Sistah to Sistah a monthly meeting for Women of Walks of Life to come together and share ideas, suggestions, love, fellowship and an abundance of knowledge and wisdom.  The pandemic hit and we had to change from in person to a virtual platform.  Each month we are there to embrace and help each other.

2020 we also launched a Helping Hand Up - this mission is to help those in our community with Housing, Food, Emotional Support, Clothing and other needs.  Our goal is to help as many as we can at THEIR Point of NEED!!  The Needs are great but we will meet them 1 need at a time.  We are grateful to ALL who support this cause through monthly giving as well as one-time seeds that are sown. See our Community Service Page for more information

2021 the Team~~~~Angela Blackburn, Michelle Brooks, Sherri Brooks, Tiffani Fowler, Tieasha Greer, Doshaney Nicholson, LaKiesha Pate, Shari Stringer, Shonda Wade and Toni White.  We are still in the midst of a Pandemic but we will go forward: Social Distancing, Masks, Sanitizing and frequently washing our hands!!

So, that's a little of my story. I hope that you will find healing which is in Jesus the Christ! He can do it - he's waiting on you.

I am NOTHING Without HIM (the Great I Am, the Beginning, the End, Lily of the Valley, Bright Morning Star, He's All That and More!)

With Much LOVE